Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Since we were going to Pittsburgh for Christmas, Mark and I decided to celebrate here at home before we left. Yes, Santa came to the Putignano household on December 23rd. Ana was so cute, looking at all the presents Santa brought her. She is still a little fearful of Elmo but loves her Dora baby doll and Dora tent! Here are some pictures of our morning! I will post more over the holiday!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas!

We decided that yesterday was a good day to decorate our Christmas tree. Ana wasn't sure at first but quickly caught on to the whole decorating idea. She found the dog ornament and was bound and determined to show Oliver and tell him what she was holding. She also decided that certain ornaments like the cardinal were worth giving a kiss to! The other photos in her dress were taken that evening. Mark and I had this great idea to try and take her picture in front of the tree for a Christmas card. By the time we were done, we were both sweating, Ana was crying and the battery in the camera died! Anyway, I just wanted to share some pre-Christmas photos. I will post again very soon!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ana's Favorite Gloves and Hat...

Last year when Ana came home, Mark's mom bought her an adorable set of gloves and a winter hat. Yesterday was our first really cold day in Cincinnati. We put them on her and she was beaming! Mark threw on her favorite pair of sunglasses and she was in heaven. I think she knows when we want her to "ham it up!" Later that night, I went to take the dog out and Ana had to come with me. I bundled her up and we took him out. This time she would not let me take her gloves and hat off when we came in. As you can see she sat on the couch and watched Go Diego Go while wearing her favorite hat and gloves.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Sorry I am just posting Halloween now but I have been so busy! Last week I had report cards, teacher conferences, and my masters assignments all due in the same week. I am finally getting back to normal. As you can see, Ana was a monkey for Halloween. We made it to the first house without any real problems. By the time we hit house #2, she lost a red skittle and the night was officially over. We just stayed in the driveway with Mark and passed out candy. She loved it! Just by looking at the pictures you can see we gave in to the Hershey bar. I have never seen that little girl sooooo happy!!! Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Trip to the Zoo!

Well, we made it to the zoo this weekend. We have definitely been a busy threesome this past weekend. Mark and I kept saying we wanted to get Ana to the zoo all summer but, time flew by. Since we are having 80 degree weather in October, we decided it was still a good time. It's funny because I think Ana liked the zoo but was not too sure what to make of it. Most of the animals she shook her finger at like she does to the dog when she wants him to stop barking. By the time we got to the elephants she was a little slap-happy. She tried to tickle me then wanted a kiss...I guess the zoo can do that to you!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Well...We made it to the pumpkin patch today! When we arrived, Ana got her picture taken as a little sheep. She would have been happy to stay there but we coaxed her over to the animals. She let Mark feed the goats and she just looked and hung on to him for dear life. Then we went on a hay ride and picked our pumpkins. Ana chose the tiniest pumpkin in the patch. After that, she played in the tunnel and in the little cabin they had for kids. Right before we left, we let her play in the sand box. Big Mistake!!! She would not get out. Mark finally promised her a cookie if she got out. She finally got out but, she is still searching for that cookie!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Little Gymnast!

Yes, we officially have a little gymnast on our hands! Mark signed Ana up for Little Gym and they go every Saturday for an hour. This Saturday, both Mark and I took her. It is a really cute program. They start out with circle time activities like running in a circle, parachute, and sticks. During this time, Ana is usually still crying and timid. After that, they have time to explore the gym. This is when she busts out of her shell. She climbs, hangs from the bars and today she did a forward and backward roll (with assistance of course). At the end of class the kids catch bubbles and play with some bouncy balls. It is really good for her. She is meeting new friends and getting to play with kids her own age.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday at the Newport Aquarium

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Going back to work with Ana has been very busy to say the least. Updating her blog has not been one of my priorities lately. I promise to start posting more often. Today Mark and I took Ana to the Newport Aquarium. She seemed to like it and she pointed to all the fish as we would walk by. After the aquarium we went to Johnny Rockets for lunch. They gave her a Johnny Rocket hat and I thought the picture was funny so I decided to include it!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ana's First Vacation

Ana had the greatest time in Hilton Head. We would get up and go to the beach by 9 or 10 in the morning and usually come in sometime in the afternoon. Ana even took a few of her afternoon naps on the beach as you can see in one of the pictures! The first two days she wanted to eat the sand. After that, I think she finally realized it wasn't for eating. She went into the ocean, took walks on the beach, and played in the sand every day. It was so adorable to watch her discover something new! I hope you enjoy her photos.