Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Little Gymnast!

Yes, we officially have a little gymnast on our hands! Mark signed Ana up for Little Gym and they go every Saturday for an hour. This Saturday, both Mark and I took her. It is a really cute program. They start out with circle time activities like running in a circle, parachute, and sticks. During this time, Ana is usually still crying and timid. After that, they have time to explore the gym. This is when she busts out of her shell. She climbs, hangs from the bars and today she did a forward and backward roll (with assistance of course). At the end of class the kids catch bubbles and play with some bouncy balls. It is really good for her. She is meeting new friends and getting to play with kids her own age.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday at the Newport Aquarium

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Going back to work with Ana has been very busy to say the least. Updating her blog has not been one of my priorities lately. I promise to start posting more often. Today Mark and I took Ana to the Newport Aquarium. She seemed to like it and she pointed to all the fish as we would walk by. After the aquarium we went to Johnny Rockets for lunch. They gave her a Johnny Rocket hat and I thought the picture was funny so I decided to include it!