Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well, I'm only a week behind in posting but here is the latest and greatest...Last Saturday Aunt Barb, me, grandma, Mark, Ana, Christina, and Vinny went to the Dora show in Pittsburgh. Ana loved it. When the actors came out on stage she just stared with her mouth wide open. She didn't say much but when Swiper came out, she was waving that finger at him and telling him "no!" After the show we had lunch at Station Square (thanks grandma) and the kids played for a little while. It was awesome to get to spend the day with Ana's Aunt Barb, her cousins and grandma! Here are a few pics from the show.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's Been a While

I know it's been forever since I have posted anything. I swear this last month just feels like my life has turned upside down. I mean that in only the best way possible. Mark has been out of town a lot and between Ana, work, and being pregnant, my blogging days have certainly slowed down. I will try to be better! Anyway, here are some pictures of Ana on our 70 degree day in Cincinnati. She loves that darn hat so we let her wear it. The car is from my mom. Ana loves it, when she sees it in the garage, it's all over if we don't put her in it. Thanks Na-na....