Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ana's Newest Pictures!

Hi Everyone! We just received Ana's latest pictures tonight. Ana's report states that she is sitting up by herself, bears good weight, is strong and starting to crawl. She also has two bottom teeth.

Our coordinator then went on to say that our lawyer in Guatemala is hearing favorable reports from PGN on our file. She hopes we will hear something very soon! Please continue to pray that Ana comes home soon!


Nicole said...

Nicole, She's beautiful! And getting so big! 2 teeth and sitting up - that's wonderful!

Hope you guys have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! We'll have enchiladas for the welcoming party - SOON.
Aunt BonBon

Anonymous said...

Mark and Nicole,

She is so adorable, those big brown
eyes. You are going to have so
much fun with her.
